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GoodWe stands No.1 as Rooftop Inverter Supplier in India

GoodWe has been recognized as the No.1 Rooftop Solar Inverter supplier in India with a 17% market share. The results were confirmed by JMK Research & Analytics.

Being recognized as No.1 Rooftop Solar Inverter supplier in India is a great accomplishment and it is a pleasure to share this huge milestone with our customers. GoodWe’s strategy of steady investments in R&D and its strong team of more than 400 engineers are one of the reasons behind this position of leadership in such a big and competitive market.

GoodWe started its inverter business in India in 2015. After years of continuous research and strategic deployment, GoodWe now boasts the industry’s most comprehensive residential, C&I and utility scale solar inverter solutions, with a wide range of products from 1kW to 250kW Solutions. 

Commenting on this incredible achievement, CEO Daniel Huang stated: "India is one of the biggest markets and GoodWe is on a mission to deliver high-quality inverters to contribute to the ongoing energy transformation.”

Mr. Huang also expressed his gratitude to customers across India, whose trust in GoodWe solutions and preference for the GoodWe brand has helped GoodWe achieve this recognition in India. 

In the past 10 years, GoodWe has brought a wide range of products to the market. GoodWe XS, DNS and SDT G2 are the most popular for the residential sector; extremely compact but with high efficiency up to 98.3%. As for the C&I sector, GoodWe is dedicated to maximizing ROI for system owners. GoodWe MT and HT series are the preferred choices from this segment. The inverters have been deployed on the premises of Global Top 500 Companies, like TATA, Bosch, Siemens, Toyota, Coca Cola and other renowned companies worldwide, thanks to its comprehensive portfolio, superior quality and unparalleled service.

GoodWe is also a major player for ground-mounted projects; the launch of GoodWe HT 1500V series marks another milestone for the company. GoodWe’s vision is to continuously provide add-value service to its customers and move the world forward towards carbon neutrality by reshaping new energy. 



GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy データ保護 Declaration







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