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GoodWe Cooperates Krannich Solar with for the Indian Market

GoodWe is a leading manufacturer of PV inverters and energy storage solutions. With 12GW installed in more than 100 countries, GoodWe solar inverters have been widely used in residential rooftops, commercial systems, and energy storage systems. 

The Goodwe product range includes single-phase, three-phase and hybrid inverters of the series NS, DNS, SDT, SMT, MT, EM and ET, which have already achieved great success in India thanks to their unique technical advantages, compact design, easy installation and quick return on investment. Thanks to the excellent quality of the products, GoodWe has been singled out from other industry leaders for the last 4 years in a row with the "All Quality Matters Award” from TÜV Rheinland .


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To start the collaboration, the two partners hosted a successful customer training day on 26th April 2019 in Hyderabad, where customers received intensive product training and communicated directly with representatives from both companies.

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James Hou, GoodWe Sales Head for India said:

"We are very excited to partner with Krannich Solar in the Indian market. As a leading photovoltaic wholesalers in the world, Krannich Solar can always serve photovoltaic installers in an expert and effective way. Together we will constantly provide excellent service for our customers, constantly improving and enhancing the quality and tailoring the features of our products, exceeding the requirements of the Indian Market.”


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 Sandeep Banodiya, Sales Director of Krannich Solar India said:

"We are very pleased to start working together with GoodWe. The inverters complement our product range very well as they offer our customers excellent quality and significant added value. With GoodWe we will create a winning partnership in the Indian market. Krannich Solar therefore now offers even more innovative inverter solutions for every requirement.”


About GoodWe

GoodWe is a leading, strategically-thinking enterprise which focuses on conductingresearch on and manufacturing PV inverters and energy storage solutions. GoodWe solar inverters have been widely used in residential, commercial rooftops, industrial and utility scale systems, ranging from 0.7 to 80kW. GoodWe inverters offer reliable operation and excellent performance and are well recognized by customers worldwide. GoodWe’s philosophy is to always create win-win partnerships with customers by identifying and adopting the most advanced components and techniques available while offering unparalleled after-sales service.


For more information, go to:www.goodwe.com


About Krannich Solar 

Krannich Solar has been a strong partner to photovoltaic installers since 1995 and offers everything required to meet the growing needs of the photovoltaic sector: expert advice, effective logistics and one of Europe's leading product and system portfolios for solar electricity generation. With a growing market share, this owner-managed and self-financed company ranks among the leading photovoltaic wholesalers. The Group is represented by 24 companies across 15 countries and employs over 300 people.

For more information, go to:www.krannich-solar.com



GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy データ保護 Declaration







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