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GoodWe Mexico Training Tour held this week in Mexico



The GoodWe Mexico Training Tour continued on to the 2nd largest city in Mexico, Guadalajara, becoming widely known as the cradle of development for solartechnology in the country as more and more businesses express their intentions of going solar. These events have been held with the support of GoodWe’s partners in Mexico and have been enriched with the valuable contribution of the famous solar brands Canadian Solar, Tigo and Everest.


This training tour was intended to strengthen the relationship between GoodWe and its existing customers and as such it offered a great opportunity for our team to answer all sorts of questions about solar and more specifically about GoodWe products; from general introductions to the concept of solar energy all the way to issues related to the installation, maintenance and monitoring of solar systems. Furthermore, the tour has had the additional benefit of allowing the company to establish a more intimate relationship with installers, who are the ones facing the day to day challenges of expanding the use of the solar energy in Mexico, so as to learn from their experience, which may in turn help GoodWe to design ad hoc solutions for the local market.


Attendance was very strong and the local solar community was impressed by the organizational prowess of GoodWe in bringing other important players of the industry together and achieving such good engagement. There was very good interaction on show at these events and participants left the training sessions with a better understanding of the improved services and technical support of GoodWe in Mexico. The attendees also learned more about the strengths of GoodWe products in the commercial and energy storage sectors.

The tour will conclude the next May 10th in Mexico City.

Going forward, GoodWe will continue to hold this kind of training session to increase the company’s footprint in Mexico and establish a more intimate relationship with the local market. Stay tuned!




GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy データ保護 Declaration







End User



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