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The First 5MW SKY Project - Contributed by TATA Power & GoodWe

TATA Power Solar is currently installing the first 5 MW pilot project, site by site starting from the end of 2018. They particularly selected GoodWe solar inverters for this demanding project, thanks to its extraordinary adaptability in various grid situations and outstanding efficiency during extreme weathers such as non-degradation under extremely hot 50°C climates. A wide range of products were chosen for this pilot project, the capacity covering from 5 to 60KW.




"Such government projects must have higher requirements for quality and service, which secures investment payback and guarantees longevity of photovoltaic systems, which would differentiate us from many other players in the market. EPC and developer giants tend to pay increasing attention on the overall strengths of a supplier instead of just looking at the price” said James Hou, Sales Manager for Asia Pacific. "Like TATA Power, after a very rigorous product selection process, long-term testing and practical use, GoodWe was finally shortlisted as their major inverter partner and has supplied TATA Power Solar with more than 100MW of inverters up until now. Cooperation again in this remarkable government program, with a 7-year warranty provided by GoodWe, enhances mutual trust in our partnership.”


GoodWe also offers an unparalleled pan-India after-sales service with a local team of 10 people. One of the engineers is based in Gujarat 24/7 to support the construction and commissioning of the SKY project.




It is a revolutionary and symbolic step towards empowering farmers to generate their own electricity using solar energy and helps double their income. GoodWe is committed to providing high quality and efficient solar solutions in terms of development and constructional activities, and make its own contribution to a renewable and sustainable future in India and as well as all around the world.



GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy データ保護 Declaration







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