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GoodWe Meets With Its New international Team In Its Suzhou Headquarters For a Week of Induction


Suzhou November 23rd, 2018

The GoodWe Family is now truly global and between the 19th and the 25th of November of 2018, a time that the company will remember, GoodWe celebrated a large meeting gathering all the new international family teams converging from all the corners of the world to the company headquarters in Suzhou, China.


This enlarged, international team gathering in Suzhou this week included more than 20 fresh colleagues coming from India, South Korea, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Brazil that came to Suzhou for a productive week of induction to the GoodWe’s corporate culture. The new international members of the GoodWe family brought together commercial senior managers that will be developing their respective markets for the GoodWe products as well as a large group of engineers with many years of experience in the industry that will be in charge of solving all the issues encountered by the GoodWe customers in its global markets.


The GoodWe week of induction to its international team included not only meetings with the company CEO and founder, Mr. Huang Min and the company Senior Management but several sessions of intense training imparted by GoodWe’s Solar Academy and the After-Sales teams, in which comprehensive introduction to all the GoodWe products was delivered and detailed instruction was provided on all the aspects that constitute the life of a GoodWe inverter: from its installation under very diverse environmental conditions up to the operation and troubleshooting techniques.


Some of the GoodWe new international have been around for some months already and despite the fact that the communication with the headquarters is frequent, this would never be comparable to meeting face to face. As such, this meeting offered GoodWe the opportunity to exchange very diverse technical experiences, to pose new questions coming from very different solar markets and helped as well to discuss new GoodWe strategies formed with the input from all its new and culturally diverse members.


This GoodWe meeting represents a family reunion but it can be seen as well as the culmination of several months of GoodWe efforts across the world to put together a professional and competent team that now is ready to spread the word of GoodWe and bring the high quality products and services of the company to all the markets that it currently serves. However, on the other hand, this is only the beginning of a more intense internationalization of GoodWe that will continue and a call for all those talented photovoltaic industry professionals across the world to join GoodWe in its global expansion.




GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy データ保護 Declaration







End User



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