Join our Green Planet Campaign and win $1,000 worth of Amazon gift cards.
Share your best GoodWe project photos and a SEMS portal screenshot (attachment for reference).
As the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic and environmental disasters, it is now more than ever that we need to come together and support environmental initiatives, big or small.
Do it now!
Step 1: Follow GoodWe on Social Media
Step 2: Share your GoodWe project photos and your SEMS portal screenshot.
E.g. SEMS portal screenshot from PC and cellphone:
Step 3: Post it on social media and tag GoodWe.
Step 4: Confirm your participation with GoodWe social media official accounts
We will select the top 5 participants with the highest environmental contribution (CO2 reduction, trees planted and coal spared).
Starting Date: June 5th, 2021
End: July 5th, 2021
*Disclaimer: By sharing project pictures or any other material with GoodWe and participating in this campaign, you authorize GoodWe to use them for marketing purposes, including posting pictures on its corporate website or any other marketing platform. The participant does not make any claim of ownership or copyright over shared pictures and holds GoodWe harmless from any such claims from third parties. GoodWe reserves the exclusive right to final judgment and interpretation of the content herein.
GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.
GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration