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The official website for GoodWe Solar Community is now going live

GoodWe Solar Academy is going all out to make PV solutions more visual, by sharing knowledge of inverters and PV applications and providing training and technical support to stakeholders across the world.

GSA serves many purposes and users have come to expect more from us gradually. That’s why we now have the GoodWe Solar Community, a knowledge-sharing platform initiated and hosted by GoodWe and organized in collaboration with a number of strategic partners in the PV solar industry.

Training base

A digital PV classroom providing free online training and offline workshops; members can register for an online training with just one click without using or downloading a third party app. Members of GoodWe Solar Community can even make an individual appointment for an online webinar or face-to-face workshop.

Digital library

It’s a digital library of technical solutions, industry news, case studies, guidance videos and other content you might expect; all content will be continuously updated to ensure that members access GoodWe’s latest products and solutions.

PV Forum

A digital forum that focuses on inverters but serves the entire solar PV industry. You can ask for assistance, voice your opinion and chat with GoodWe or any member of the industry.

GoodWe Solar Community is owned by GoodWe, managed by GoodWe Solar Academy and accessed by global stakeholders worldwide. It’s a community where global stakeholders share their knowledge to further the potential of solar PV and accelerate the development of renewable energy.

For more information, please visithttp://community.goodwe.com



GoodWe Technologies Co., Ltd.

GoodWe Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. データ保護 Declaration

GOODWE Solar Academy

GOODWE Solar Academy データ保護 Declaration







End User



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